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Question & Answer

"Do you have programs for the children?"

Yes, we have programs for all ages! Babies - 3 year olds have Nursery available every service, and children 4 years old - 4th grade have Junior Church available Sunday morning. On Wednesday night we have a service available for children 4 years old - the 5th grade. See photos of those ministries here.

"Do you have a teen group?"

Yes. Our teens meet together every Sunday morning for Sunday School and periodically on Wednesday nights. They also go on various teen outings throughout the year like Bible Camp, Youth Congress, and more. See photos of our teen ministry here.

"Do you offer rides to church?"

Yes. We have a bus ministry that travels to several local areas offering children a ride to church. If you would like to be put on one of these routes, we would be happy to have you. Please fill out the form here and we will get with you soon. See photos of our Bus Ministry here.

"How can I become a member?"

There are three ways to join our church family:

  1. Baptism – We believe the Bible teaches that once you have committed your life to Christ as a believer that baptism by immersion (being placed completely under the water) is the first step of obedience to the Lord. Baptism is a public symbol of your commitment to the Lord as a Christian.  

  2. Letter from a church of like faith – Transferring your membership from another Baptist church.

  3. Statement of faith – Having a clear testimony of faith in Christ and Baptism by immersion.

"What can I expect from a service at TBC?"

You can expect to find a warm and welcome environment. You can expect the Bible to be taught and preached faithfully in every service. You can expect singing of the great hymns of our faith. You can expect music from our choir, groups, instrumentalists and individuals that honors Christ; preparing the heart for worship and the preaching of God’s Word. You can expect a church family that is praying for each other’s needs. You can expect a place that gives you the opportunity to serve Christ through the ministry of the local church. You can expect a church with a heart for our community and the world.You can expect to find a church that is actively striving to accomplish the work of the Lord. 

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